Austrian MEP Urges Recognition of Democratic Opposition Led by Maryam Rajavi



NCRI – “Europe’s lawmakers, have a responsibility and cannot close our eyes on tragic things happening and the aggressive role of this Iranian regim.” and “cannot just go on condemning the actions,” Mr Heinz Becker, member of European Parliament from Austria told a meeting at the European Parliament.

He urged MEPs “to become proactive and take steps to show the mullahs that we mean everything serious and we are serious” adding “the first step must be the recognition of the democratic opposition to the mullahs in Iran which is the National Council of Resistance of Iran led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.”

Below is the text of speech by Mr Heinz Becker on Wednesday, 7 December 2016:

We have gathered here on an important occasion, it’s the European and the International Day of Human Rights. It is therefore very timely to look at the situation in Iran today and the record of the recent years.

Since nearly four years ago there have been some false hopes in Europe fanned by the Iranian regime and its lobbies in the West that the current president Rouhani is going to deliver some reform and that he is a moderate.

We were told in the West that Rouhani and his foreign minister Zarif who conducted the nuclear talks are aiming to also improve human rights.

But Iran under Rouhani remains the number one executioner per capita in the world. More minors are executed in Iran than in any other country of the world. And the people of Iran are denied their most important right to have a free and fair election. Rouhani’s true face was not a secret to the Iranians but after four years it has also become clear for all of us beyond any doubt that he is a real cruel dictator!

He is certainly not the moderate face for people in the region, in particular for his open support for Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad. The regime’s forces are openly engaged in massacres in Syria of women and children and boast their presence in Syria. Leaders of Iran must be held accountable for war crimes.

As I stated in my today’s list for this occasion, I address the European negotiators on economic deals that making business must end when thousands and thousands and thousands human beings die.

We, as Europe’s lawmakers, have a responsibility and cannot close our eyes on tragic things happening and the aggressive role of this Iranian regime. We cannot just go on condemning the actions. We have to become proactive and take steps to show the mullahs that we mean everything serious and we are serious. Therefore, the first step must be the recognition of the democratic opposition to the mullahs in Iran which is the National Council of Resistance of Iran led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi… I had the honor to meet Mrs. Rajavi in Paris and I was totally impressed and delighted to see here today in the European Parliament.

Finally, I should say that as an Austrian I was delighted that Rouhani had to cancel his trip to Vienna because of a rally, a demonstration by supporters of Mrs. Rajavi. He had immediately asked to stop this demonstration, to cancel this demonstration, but Austrian authorities strictly said no. So Rouhani who was only afraid of this opposition so he decided not to go one day before arrival.

Let us understand that we have to stand consequently on human rights and our principles, the European values, and let us communicate with all EU political labels to understand this easy clear message that we support your national council Madam President, to reach a Free Iran for the Iranian people.

Thank you.


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