Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran Condemn Recent Execution of Iranian Protesters 

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In a strong condemnation of the authoritarian Iranian regime, the interparliamentary group Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran has expressed their deep anger and sorrow over the execution of three political prisoners in Isfahan. Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaqoubi, and Saleh Mirhashemi were executed on Friday despite widespread protests and international outcry. With escalating violence and a surge in executions, the statement emphasizes the need for urgent and effective action to support the Iranian people in their fight for freedom and democracy. 


Condemn executions of 3 political prisoners in Isfahan, escalate action against the authoritarian Iranian regime

We are deeply angered at the execution of political prisoners Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaqoubi, and Saleh Mirhashemi in Isfahan today, despite the widespread protest action of the people of Isfahan and by the international community at the threat of these executions. In particular, Majid Kazemi has family in Sydney who have campaigned very persistently in Australia to save his life, and many Federal MPs have taken up his case. Our hearts go out to these families and to all the Iranian people tonight.  

We deeply appreciate the immediate statements issued by you, Senator Steele-John and Senator Birmingham on Twitter to condemn these terrible executions. We call on the Australian government to escalate its series of actions of December 10, February 1, and March 20, to hold this inhumane regime to account. This demonstrates the unity of our Parliament in its upholding of the human rights of the Iranian people and condemnation of that regime’s actions.  

This calculated escalation of terrorising political violence must be met by escalated urgent and effective action against the regime.  

The people of Isfahan had threatened to escalate their uprising against the regime if these executions happened. In whatever way they can do this, we urge the Australian government to demonstrate clearly that we are on the side of the people in this historic and deadly fight for freedom and democracy.  

These political executions were done amid a rapidly escalating wave of executions in Iran, demonstrating the desperation of the regime to somehow suppress the people’s determination to rise up.  

Yesterday, May 18, the Iranian regime carried out 14 executions. With the 3 executed in Isfahan today, that makes a shocking total of at least 110 executions during the past four weeks.  

We urge you and your government to expand on your Twitter statement in a more developed public statement to condemn these executions as an escalation of repression, and to announce a new set of actions to ensure that Supreme Leader Khamenei knows that he is paying a price, and the Iranian people know that Australia is on their side: 

  1. Place sanctions on the judiciary figures and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps figures who carried out the executions of Majid Kazemi, Saeed Yaqoubi, and Saleh Mirhashemi
  2. Cancel the diplomatic visa of a senior official at the Iranian Embassy in Canberra 
  3. Freeze the assets in Australia of the family of Mohammad Baqer Qalibaf, the current Speaker of the Iranian Parliament. 


Dr. Meredith Burgmann  

Peter Murphy Committee  

Cc Volker Turk, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; EU High Representative Josep Borrell; Roberta Metsola, European Parliament; European Council; Senator Simon Birmingham; Senator Jordan Steele-John; Andrew Wilkie MHR, UN Special Rapporteur on Iran and on EJKs; DFAT Desk; Julia Dean 



Australian Supporters of Democracy in Iran: 

Dr. Meredith Burgmann – Ms. Lynda Voltz MLA – Michael Sukkar MP- Claire Moore – Doug Cameron – John Williams – Eric Abetz – Kelvin Thomson – Dr. Hugh McDermott MLC- Penny Sharpe MLC – Sylvia Hale – Sonia Hornery MLA – Don Nardella – Rev Brian Medway – Rev Bill Crews – Stephen Pitt Walker – Fr Claude Mostowik – Dr. Arthur Chesterfield-Evans – Bruce Childs – Dr. Jocelynne A. Scutt – Dr. Nina Burridge – Phil Glendenning – Professor Stuart Rees – Richard Walsham 

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