An orchestrated attempt by the mullahs’ leaders to suppress women in Iran

NCRI – Following are excerpts from an interview by Brigadier General Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam, Chief of the State Security Forces (SSF) in Iran. His remarks clearly demonstrate the depth of the misogynist nature of the mullahs’ regime. 
Yesterday, Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam harshly criticized some of his peers in the Majlis (parliament) for being too soft on women when it comes to mandatory dress codes set by the SSF. “They should be “chastised” on the [Majlis] floor for their irresponsible remarks,” said Ahmadi-Moqaddam to the state-run news agency ISNA..

He added, “You [referring to some Majlis representatives] are too naïve. Who has permitted you to evaluate the SSF’s conducts…”mal-veiling” is the tip of the iceberg in the society. We are blind to the real problem which lies underneath the surface…Some of you advice the SSF to exercise restraint when it comes to combating “mail-veiling” and introduce an alternative way of approaching the [social] predicament which is more cultural citations. Such people should be indiscriminately chastised in the Majlis.”

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