An 18-year-old girl to be hanged in Iran

NCRI – An 18-year-old girl identified by her first name, Nazanin, was sentenced to death by mullahs’ judiciary according to Etemad state-run daily. She was charged for killing a man who tried to rape her when she was only 17.
She told the clerical court that she killed the man in self defense when she and her niece were attacked by two men. "I committed murder to defend myself and my niece, I did not mean to kill him. I did not know what to do.”
Another teenage girl was sentenced to death by a court in the city of Rasht (northern Iran) last week for a murder she denied to have committed, according to state-run Aftab daily. Delara Darabi was accused of killing a women when she was 17.
International human rights bodies including Amnesty International and the United Nations General Assembly have condemned high number of executions in Iran and in particular under-aged individuals.

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