Amnesty International urges action to commute death sentence of Iranian man


Amnesty International has issued an Urgent Action calling on its members and the public to take action to prevent execution of a 24-year-old Iranian man who is at imminent risk of execution.

The young man identified as Ehsan Shah Ghasemi has been sentenced to death for stabbing a member of Basij paramilitary force in July 2011, causing injuries that allegedly resulted in his death almost three years later in April 2014.

Amnesty International believes Ehsan Shah Ghasemi did not receive a fair trial as there is no known conclusive evidence of a substantial causal link between the knife assault on Ali Khalili in 2011 and his death in 2014.

Ali Khalili was stabbed in 2011 after he was giving verbal notices to Ghasemi for playing loud ‘unauthorized music’ in his car.

The Iranian media have described Khalili as a ‘martyr’ who has given his life for ‘promotion of virtue and prevention of vice.’

For murder cases the Iranian regime uses the inhuman law of Qisas meaning retribution which roughly equates to an “eye for an eye”. Only the family of the victim have the authority to issue a pardon.

Although some news reports suggest that the family of Khalili has pardoned the alleged stabber the authorities persist on carrying out the death sentence.

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