Amnesty International: Surge in executions in Iran and Iraq raised world execution in 2013

NCRI – The number of known executions worldwide rose to at least 778 last year following a surge in Iraq and Iran, Amnesty International said Thursday.

“The virtual killing sprees we saw in countries like Iran and Iraq were shameful,” said Amnesty secretary general Salil Shetty.

According to the report, the Iranian regime put at least 369 people to death in 2013, up from at least 314 in 2012, and Amnesty said there was credible evidence from sources in the country that at least 335 further executions were carried out in secret.

Iraq executed at least 169 people in 2013, a sharp rise on the 40 given the death penalty in 2011 and 101 put to death in 2010, with death sentences there often passed after “grossly unfair trials”, the report said.

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