Amnesty International Annual Report – Iran and Middle East’s “Year of Defiance”

A scene of the Iraqi people's uprising against the Iranian regime's meddling in their country
A scene of the Iraqi people’s uprising against the Iranian regime’s meddling in their country

Amnesty International released its annual report over the human rights situation in the Middle East and North Africa, calling this year “a year of defiance,”  by the people of the Middle East and North Africa and brutal suppression of the ruling regimes, particularly in Iran and Iraq.  

“In an inspiring display of defiance and determination, crowds from Algeria, to Iran, Iraq and Lebanon poured into the streets – in many cases risking their lives – to demand their human rights, dignity and social justice and an end to corruption. These protesters have proven that they will not be intimidated into silence by their governments,” said Heba Morayef, Amnesty International’s Director for Middle East and North Africa. 

In a part of its report, Amnesty referred to the nationwide Iran protests in November 2019, over the sudden increase of fuel price and regime’s subsequent brutal crackdown on people.  

According to the reports published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI, Mujahedin-e Khalq or MEK), in the Iran protests in November over 1500 people were killed, 4,000 wounded and 12,000 arrested.   

The Iranian regime, in order to continue its deadly crackdown on people, imposed an unprecedented nationwide internet blackout which lasted for days. In this regard, Amnesty International wrote, “During protests in Iran, the authorities implemented a near-total internet shutdown to stop people sharing videos and photos of security forces unlawfully killing and injuring protesters. ... In Iran social media apps including Facebook, Telegram, Twitter and YouTube remained blocked. 

Amnesty also referred to the Iraqi people’s uprising in Iraq against the systematic corruption and the Iranian regime’s deadly meddling in their country.  

“The shocking death tolls among protesters in Iraq and Iran illustrate the extreme lengths to which these governments were prepared to go in order to silence all forms of dissent,” said Philip Luther, Amnesty International’s Research and Advocacy Director for Middle East and North Africa. 

The Amnesty International report once again highlights the necessity of sending a fact-finding mission to Iran by the international community to investigate the regime’s crimes and stop its further human rights violations. It also underlines the need to adopt a firm policy against the Iranian regime’s meddling in other countries, particularly in Iraq.  

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