Al-Hayat: Calls for trial of Khamenei and Rouhani for the 1988 massacre in Iran



NCRI – The Saudi Al-Hayat newspaper in an article titled “Call for trial of Khamenei and Rouhani for the 1988 massacre” reviews the rising international movement for justice for victims of the massacre of political prisoners in 1988 in Iran.

The following is translation of excerpts of the article published in 5 November issue of  Al-Hayat Arabic daily:

Last June, the Iranian people commemorated the anniversary of heinous massacre of political prisoners by Iranian regime. The massacre, which carried out by “Death Commissions” starting late June 1988, is considered to be one of the most terrible crimes (against humanity).

In this massacre, thousands of political prisoners, mostly supporters of the opposition movement the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and some other groups, were executed.
The massacre witnessed the worst form of political purgation whereby the investigation leading to the death was limited to asking a question from the victim to specify their allegiance (loyalty) and fate. In fact, this brutal massacre has recorded the most brutal and violent actions in prisons in the history of Iran…

Following the release of an audio recording of Ayatollah Montazeri, Khomeini’s former heir, the issue has taken new dimensions. After the release of the audio file, a large number of the victims’ families inside Iran and abroad decided to disclose the information on the (secret and exposed) mass graves where these political opponents were buried.
Recently a group of jurists called on the United Nations for an investigation into this massacre. They stressed at a press conference in Geneva that they have information on 12 new mass graves (in Iran) that have not been disclosed before. They note, “This information includes the exact address of these graves….”

A number of Iranian regime leaders face several charges that place the responsibility for the massacre on their shoulder. These people include Khamenei, Supreme Leader and then President, and Rouhani the current President of the regime, who under the shadow the government of indiscriminate executions, interpret (and justify) the continued torture of Iranian people.


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