Wednesday, July 17, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsAhle Haq prisoner beaten and abused for practicing religion

Ahle Haq prisoner beaten and abused for practicing religion

NCRI – Three followers of "Ahl-e-Haq" (a Shiite offshoot adhering to Imam Ali the first Shiite Imam) prisoners who have been exiled to Yazd prison, are in bad condition. They have gone on a hunger strike from April 21 in protest to the violation of their most minimum rights, according to reports.

Prison officials prevented one of the prisoners from practicing his religion and praying.  Mr. Abdollah Qasemzadeh was beaten for persisting to pray and was taken to solitary confinement, the informed sources said.

Prison guards sprayed his face with pepper spray and severely beat him after seeing his praying in solitary. There is no information on the condition of Qasemzadeh in solitary confinement.