A tribute to a political prisoner slain in Iran jail

NCRI – A photo exhibition organized by supporters of the Iranian Resistance in coordination with Congressman Bob Filner was held last week in the main exhibition hall of the United States Congress in Washington, DC to honor the memory of Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi, a PMOI  political prisoner killed in the mullahs’ jails.

Mr. Valiollah Fayz-Mahdavi, 28, died mysteriously last week while in the Iranian regime’s custody in Gohardasht Prison in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran.

The exhibition, entitled "Iran: 27 years of violations of human rights", aimed to bring the issue of human rights violations by the mullahs ruling Iran to the attention of Congressmen and their advisors. Valiollah’s biography was read out at the exhibition.

More than 50 Congressional staffers and advisors who visited the exhibition denounced the continuing brutal violations of human rights in Iran. They said the exhibition gave them the opportunity to learn more about the catastrophic state of human rights in Iran under the mullahs’ rule.

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