A Glance at Iran’s State Media on Tuesday: A Restive Society and a Desperate Regime


On Tuesday, Iran’s state media reflected the explosive state of Iran’s society and the regime’s deadlock in addressing worsening crises such as the Covid-19 outbreak. They also highlighted the regime’s deadlock in dealing with the West. 

“It is imperative to pay attention to the issue of stopping the cycle of violence. In other words, talking about the need to stop the cycle of violence is no longer social advice. It is urgent. It is a must. It is a concept that, if not addressed quickly, would eliminate any hope [to preserve] the system,” wrote the state-run Ebtekar daily in an article titled “The need to end the cycle of violence.”  

“The government’s inability to address issues such as inflation and other economic problems, as well as the Covid-19 outbreak has left the middle class generally dissatisfied and complaining about the status quo,” wrote the state-run Mostaghel daily.  

“With the double economic pressure, the purchasing power of the middle class has decreased, and this class has moved closer to the lower class. This integration and transformation can lead to civil disobedience in the long run,” Mostaghel adds.  

The state-run Jahan-e Sanat daily also warned about the officials’ ignorance of people’s problems. Jahan-e Sanat acknowledges that officials only give hollow promises and “To date, many of these promises have not been implemented and as a result, the economic, social and cultural problems of the country have become more complex every year.”  

“Today, the scale of these problems has reached such a level that even if all US economic and banking sanctions on Iran are not lifted tomorrow, this action will have little effect on solving the roots of the country’s economic problems and rescuing people from the tsunami of poverty. A tsunami that has crushed people,” Jahan-e Sanat adds.  

Iran Covid-19 Outbreak  

On Tuesday, the main topics Iran state media wrote about were the Covid-19 outbreak and its rising mortality rate. The death toll rapidly reaches 400,000, with over 2,000 deaths per day, as reported by the Iranian opposition. The main reason for this crisis is the regime’s deliberate inaction and the regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, criminal decision to ban credible vaccines.  

“For 20 months, the officials have only advised people to wear masks and maintain social distance. In the meantime, shouldn’t the government do anything other than recommendations? The people are taking care of themselves as much as they can, but has the government helped the people?” Sharq is acknowledged daily.  

“Even on issues such as vaccination, we are not in a good position compared to the nearly 100 countries that have started vaccination,” Sharq acknowledged the slow paste of vaccination in Iran.  

“The Covid-19 vaccination is not acceptable. Meanwhile, the death toll and the infection rate increase daily. The only solution is general vaccination. When there is no vaccination, it would be harder to control the virus because we cannot control the situation with social distancing and health protocols. People are frustrated,” wrote the state-run Setare Sobh daily.  

While people’s hatred toward Khamenei increases for his criminal order of banning vaccines, some of the media outlets try to whitewash him.” Many experts have spoken out against these vaccines, and we could import these vaccines from sources other than the United States and the United Kingdom. Then the country leader raises an issue politically and says, we do not like to get vaccines from any country, which is true and our country’s policy. But we misunderstood the words of the Supreme Leader, and this mistake has now been corrected. We have the licenses to import vaccines from any valid source, according to our policies,” wrote the state-run Farhikhtegan daily.  

As the Covid-19 crisis deepens, public hatred toward the regime increases, and the state media on Tuesday reflected the regime’s fear of popular protests.  

“With the wrong recommendations, we caused more inconvenience to the people under pressure. However, the lack of resources to control this disease has led to a serious gap between the people and the [regime], and this gap is worrying,” Sharq daily wrote in this regard.  

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