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Iran: The Firm & Courageous Position of the Political Prisoners on Hunger Strike


By NCRI Staff

NCRI – A group of political prisoners in Gohardasht prison located in the city of Karaj, West of Tehran, wrote a letter to the human rights organizations and associations on the 26th day of their strike seeking the recognition of their rights. The political prisoners called on the human rights organizations to pay a visit to prisons in Iran in order to see the poor condition of political prisoners. In their letter, the political prisoners also refer to the 4 decades of repression and violation of human rights, writing that,” a person does not achieve self-esteem and freedom easily. We and some of our brothers, who have been imprisoned by the age of 70, are witnessing a blatant violation of human rights against the prisoners of conscience and the political prisoners by the authorities of the Judiciary, the Intelligence Organization, and the guardsmen.

The protesters also stressed on their demands and resistance, “We the oppressed prisoners endure the hunger strike against the tortures and atrocities of prison guards. Not only will we resist, but we also go on hunger strike unanimously. Today is the 26th day of our strike and we expect our right-seeking compatriots, especially both legal and natural persons, and human rights activists to support us against the abuses and oppressions in such sensitive and dangerous situation. We ask you not to gain alliance with the suppressors, not to be indifferent to all this cruelty and crime, and to pray for us as well.”

“We are calling on all international human rights organizations to recognize our rights, asking them to pay a visit to the prisons in Iran in order to witness the poor conditions of political prisoners.”, added the resistant prisoners.

Having addressed the Iranian people, the prisoners also wrote in the letter,” You the compatriots! Be aware that the mercenaries have robbed and plundered the prisoners’ minimum requirements and properties. And one day, they have to be held accountable for such crimes publicly by international tribunals.

The political prisoner, Shahin Zoghitabar who is on hunger strike in hall 10, ward 4 of Gohardasht Prison also wrote a letter stressing on the resistance of prisoners. The letter reads, “The Mongols destroyed Iran as the history shows. The posterity will also name the Mullahs’ regime as the criminal sovereignty in the history; the regime that massacred thousands in 1988.It has been years that they repress the people and torture the prisoners in order to survive. Me and other political prisoners continue our strike to the last drop of blood so that our demands will be addressed.”