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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran student sentenced to 15 years for insulting Khamenei

Iran student sentenced to 15 years for insulting Khamenei

 Husband and wife: Arash Sadeqi and Golrokh Ebrahimi

NCRI – The mullahs’ fundamentalist regime has sentenced a young university student to 15 years imprisonment for insulting the regime’s Supreme Leader and spreading anti-regime messages. His ill wife was also sentenced to six years in jail.

Arash Sadeqi was previously expelled from Tehran’s Allameh Tabataba’i University and arrested on September 6, 2014 by intelligence agents of the Revolutionary Guards. He was held in solitary confinement for seven months.

The mullahs’ notorious “Judge Salavati” in Tehran sentenced him to serve 15 years behind bars. His wife Golrokh Ebrahimi, who is recovering after an operation, was sentenced in absentia to six years imprisonment.

Salavati had prevented Mr. Sadeqi’s lawyers from examining all the documents in his case.

Mr. Sadeqi was handed down sentences of 7 and a half years for attending anti-regime gatherings, 3 years for insulting the regime’s Supreme Leader, 3 years for setting up a group, and 1 and a half years for ‘propaganda’ against the regime.

Ms. Ebrahimi received a 5 year sentence for “insulting religious sanctities” and a further 1 year for ‘propaganda’ against the regime.

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