Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Human Rights Record Will Get Worse in Absence of New Western Pressures

The June 18 “election” of Ebrahim Raisi as the next Iranian president was the ultimate expression of the Iranian regime’s culture of impunity. That...

Former Italian PM Matteo Renzi: Free Iran is a Moral Duty for the World

Paris, June 30, 2024 – Speaking at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Matteo Renzi, the former Prime Minister of Italy, delivered...

Free Iran 2021: Iranian Expatriate Summit And The Prospect Of Change In Iran

On Saturday, the Organizers of the Free Iran World Summit 2021 will begin hosting its annual international gathering. Past such events have featured a wide...

Italian Senator Giulio Terzi: EU Must Designate Iranian Regime’s IRGC as a Terrorist Organization

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQbM5RFkpkA Paris, June 30, 2024 – Sending a video message to the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Senator Giulio Terzi, former Italian Foreign...
Italian Senator Raffaele Speranzon gave a speech in support of the Iranian people and their Organized Resistance (NCRI/PMOI) led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi for a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic of Iran.

Italian Senator Raffaele Speranzon: International Community Must Support Iranian People’s Fight for Democracy

Paris, June 29, 2024 – At the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, Italian Senator Raffaele Speranzon expressed strong support for the Iranian...

Former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo: Iran’s Resistance Has Scared the Regime

On June 29, at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit held in Paris, France, the former US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo delivered an...

Day 2 of the Free Iran 2024 World Summit: “Iranian Resistance’s Roadmap to a Democratic...

Today, June 30, marks the second day of the Free Iran 2024 Global Summit. World leaders, along with lawmakers and human rights activists from...
Iran nuclear facilities

More Than Ever, Confronting Iran’s Regime Is Both a Strategic and a Moral Imperative

On Sunday, a former Iranian foreign minister and current advisor to the regime’s top leadership, Kamal Kharrazi, told Al Jazeera that the Iranian regime...

Former German Parliament Speaker Rita Süssmuth: Solidarity and Perseverance Key to Iran’s Freedom

Berlin, June 29 — At a major rally in Berlin, coinciding with the Free Iran 2024 World Summit in Paris, former German Parliament Speaker...

“Free Iran 2021” Summit Underlines the Necessity To Hold Regime Accountable

On Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, hundreds of thousands of Iranian expatriates in 105 different countries tuned in to a series of live-streamed speeches by...