Tuesday, July 16, 2024
iran khomeini khamenei reza pahlavi 1

Selling a Dead Horse: Reza Pahlavi’s Bid to Market a Trashed Dictatorship

As Iran’s nationwide uprising, now in its fifth month, threatens to topple the medieval ruling tyranny, Reza Pahlavi, the son of the deposed dictator...

Iran’s Uprising and its Perspectives: Exclusive Q&A with NCRI Foreign Affairs Chair Mohammad Mohaddessin

Iran’s nationwide uprising has entered its fourth month, despite the regime’s attempts to quash it. The continuation of these protests indicates that this movement...
Iran nuclear facilities

Apparatus and Key Figures in Iranian Regime’s Deceptions and Lying in Responses the IAEA...

BY: National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee Introduction: On August 14, 2002, the National Council of Resistance of Iran in a press...

Iran Is Moving Towards a Complete Internet Shutdown, One Bit at a Time

Reports from Iran indicate that Google and Bing’s safe search mode, usually set for children to filter explicit content, has been forcefully enabled for...

Exclusive Report: 48th US Vice President Mike Pence Meets NCRI’s Maryam Rajavi, Visits Ashraf...

Today, Thursday, June 23, the 48th US Vice President Mike Pence and former second lady of the United States Mrs. Karen Pence visited Ashraf...

Live Report: International Conference Calling for Dismantling Tehran’s MOIS Terrorist Network in Europe

THIS REPORT WILL BE UPDATED UPON THE PROGRESS OF THE CONFERENCE On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, following the Belgian Court of Appeals’ decision to uphold...

Urgent- Exclusive: The Iranian Regime’s Ministry of Agriculture Jihad Website and Its Portals Taken...

  Monday morning, April 25, 2022, more than 100 servers and computers, dozens of portals, and databases, 37 sites, and 12 internal portals of...

Exclusive Report: IRGC and Hezbollah’s Presence in South America

The Iranian regime’s involvement in virtually all crises and hotspots in the Middle East is clear. Yet, the destructive operations of Tehran’s Islamic Revolutionary...

Timeline of NCRI’s Revelations To Prevent a Nuclear-armed Iran

Brenda Shaffer, research director of the Caspian Studies Program at Harvard University in Arms Control Association: “An interesting aspect of this year’s revelations on Iran’s...

Exclusive Report on IRGC Corruption: The Case of “Yas Holding” Is the Tip of...

A 50-minute leaked audiotape of a conversation between two senior commanders of the Iranian regime's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in 2018 was a...