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Who Is Harmed the Most by Current Sanctions Against Iran?

Who Is Harmed the Most by Current Sanctions Against Iran?

By Mohammad Sadat Khansari

With the new round of sanctions, various advertising platforms of Iran’s regime are creating a propaganda in which the regime is made to look like it cares for Iranian people.

Whilst claiming that Iranians are the actual target of the sanctions, the regime fails to address the following questions!!

1. Who is the cause of sanctions, and why do these sanctions target Iran in the first place?

2. How has Iran’s economy been before and after the sanctions?

3. How have the oil-based earnings of Iran been spent so far?

4. Have the sanctions targeted Iran’s basic goods too?

Who is the cause of sanctions, and why do these sanctions target Iran in the first place?

The actual cause of sanctions is nothing but the regime of mullahs itself.

Their ongoing nuclear activities and investments in terrorism have proved to have hurt Iranian people the most.

Instead of spending the National Wealth on people, Khamenei has spent billions of dollars on nuclear weapons and terrorism within the Middle East. Something that no government official has ever acknowledged or taken responsibility for, in any shape or form.

How has Iran’s economy been before and after the sanctions?

Let’s take a look at Iran’s poverty line over the past decade or so. One can see that even before the sanctions were in the picture, Iranians were undergoing numerous difficulties, which only exacerbated year after year. Interestingly, they never had anything to do with lack of national wealth or resources.

As can be seen from the records, Iran sold fairly good amounts of oil over the years; for instance, 618 billion dollars over the 8-year governance of Ahmadi Nejad, and 273 billion dollars during Rouhani’s time (up until just last year).

The recent reports of the World Bank reveal that a whopping 533 billion dollars were loaned to Iran’s regime just last year, which is 5 times the amount of 2016.

They also reveal that the proportion of Iran’s external debt to its gross national income is around 1.4%, which is the lowest amongst all other low to middle-income countries.

Given this information, Iran’s economy doesn’t seem too bright in its coming years.

In a recent interview with Tasnim (June 15th, 2018), a representative from Rouhani’s Workers Union, named Faramarz Tofighi, stated that 83% of Iranian workers currently live under the poverty line, and that they are heavily pressured by the uncontrollable inflations.

To conclude, whilst the regime continues spending the National Wealth on maintaining its own existence, people’s basic needs are being ignored and they continue to suffer from hunger every day.

How have the oil-based earnings of Iran been spent so far?

Iranians will continue to suffer from economic difficulties, for as long as the regime gets away with its expensive nuclear projects and warmongering activities in the region.

As can be seen from Iran’s 2018 budget, most of its income has continuously been assigned to the Revolutionary Guards and other oppressive sectors of the regime. And that’s besides the embezzlements that have frequently been witnessed, from many government officials and relatives.

The Foreign Ministry of the United States has announced on multiple occasions, that the actual target of these sanctions is Iran’s government not people.

The Ministry has also specified that Iran’s basic goods are not affected by the sanctions, in any form.

In fact, US has left Iran with an open choice of continuing with oil exports, as long as the earnings are spent towards humane (i.e., non-nuclear and non-terrorism) activities, goods, and services (in other words, on things that are not listed in the sanctions). Therefore, the regime’s propaganda against US is simply meaningless, as it’s an obvious attempt of a cover up than anything else.