Unemployment set to soar in Iran, IMF predicts

Iran UmploymentNCRI – Unemployment in Iran is set to soar to almost 18 per cent over the next five years as the regime’s economy plunges further into crisis, the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund have predicted.

The IMF study says the jobless total will rise from 13.1 per cent this year to 17.7 per cent by 2018.

Iran’s own Statistics Center has reported that the number of unemployed in the country in the summer of 2013 was 2,563,000 people – but that 1,730,000 of them are at aged 15 to 29.

The Center claimed the unemployment rate this year was 10.4 per cent, but that youth unemployment for 15-29-year-old was 21.1 per cent.

And it admitted that the rate among women – who suffer widespread repression and workplace discrimination within the regime – 41.7 per cent in the 15 to 29 age-group.

In a separate statement, Hassan Rouhani’s first deputy labor and economic minister, and head of the Statistics Center, acknowledged publicly that Iran’s labor market was in a ‘serious condition with excessive job demands’.

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