Rouhani’s Government, the Most Corrupt Since the Iranian Regime Came to Power


NCRI – In a clash of regime’s rival factions, Tasnim state news agency has written on Monday 7 November that “Despite all the false propaganda, the financial resources available to Hassan Rouhani’s government have been more than its predecessors’, despite which the economic situation of the people has continued to decline.”

The state media adds: “Rouhani began his term in office in 2013 with 148,000 billion tomans in financial resources. In 2014, however, the amount was increased to178,000 billion and all of a sudden to 203,000 billion in 2015. Thus, not only the amount of financial resources available to Rouhani’s government at the beginning of his term have not decreased, but have significantly increased as well.”

In his interview with ‘Nasim Online’, Abdolmajid Sheikhi, introduced as an economist, stated that according to these figures, Rouhani’s government can easily be regarded as the richest government following the revolution. “No other government has sold as much oil as this government has. The 11th government is extremely wealthy, but a too wasteful spender as well. In the past three years alone, from 2013 to 2015, the amount of financial resources available to this government has been 600,000 billion tomans which shows how wealthy Rouhani’s government actually is”, Sheikhi added.

What is palpable from this instance of the clash of regime’s rival factions, is that the astronomical plunders and economic rents are still out there even stronger than ever and there is no difference in this regard between the governments of Rouhani and Ahmadinejad. In the meantime, these are the Iranian people who are paying the price with their poverty and unemployment.

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