Rouhani’s deputy: Regime faces threat from Iran’s youth if economy not resolved


NCRI – The Iranian regime is faced with a variety of economic crises which could lead to “threats” against the regime by Iran’s young restive population, the regime’s First Vice President has admitted.

“The country is entangled in a special economic and political situation that demands serious action,” said Eshaq Jahangiri, who is top deputy to the regime’s President Hassan Rouhani. “We are facing three important challenges with unemployment being prominent among them.”

Jahangiri expressed concern about the situation and said, “Iran has a large young population. If we are unable to solve their problems, this opportunity will morph into a threat.”

“The government’s development budget should be 70,000 billion tomans, but this budget for the current year is around 30,000 billion tomans. We have a budget deficit of 280,000 billion tomans and we need to fill this gap with foreign resources,” he added, the state-run Tasnim News Agency reported on Monday, January 4.

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