Pensioners Continue Demonstrations and Strikes in Different Cities

Ahvaz-Protest gathering of pensioners

“Liar Raisi, what happened to your promises”, “Raisi must get lost”, “High prices and inflation are the people’s agony”

 Protests and demonstrations by pensioners continued Sunday, June 19, for several days in a row in Ahvaz, Shushtar, and Shush in Khuzestan province. Similar protests took place today in many other cities, including Kermanshah, Arak, Rasht, Khorramabad, Sari, Dorud, and Zanjan. The protesters chanted “Liar Raisi, what happened to your promises”, “Raisi must get lost”, “Six-grader (Raisi’s) government will go away soon”, “High prices and inflation the people’s agony”, “Every day will be like today until we obtain our rights”, “Promises are so nice, but they are all lies”, “Our tables are empty, enough of empty promises”, “We won’t live under oppression, we’ll sacrifice our lives for freedom, woe to this oppression”, and “Teachers will rather die, but not accept humiliation.”

Vendors and bazaar merchants in Sahneh (Kermanshah province) and Abbasabad Bazaar in Arak went on strike to protest the high cost of goods and heavy taxes. In Isfahan, stonecutters in the Mahmoud Abad industrial town continued their strike for the second day in protest of rising electricity and gas prices, taxes and production costs.

In Saqqez, the families of detained teachers gathered outside the city prison for the second day. In Langarud, Daryasar farmers staged a protest to protest the lack of water and the drying of their paddy fields.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)

June 19, 2022

Ahvaz-Protest gathering of pensioners
Rasht-Protest gathering of pensioners
Arak-Protest gathering of pensioners
Kermanshah-Protest gathering of pensioners
Shushtar-Protest gathering of pensioners
Isfahan- Stonecutter workshops on strike
Arak-Abbas Abad Bazaar on strike
Saqes-Protest gathering of families of arrested teachers
Langerud-Protest gathering of farmers
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