Thursday, July 18, 2024

Falling oil price means long-term cash crisis for Iranian regime

Plunging oil prices are sending the fragile Iranian economy spiralling into debt - with experts predicting the price of crude will fall even further...

Iranian regime cash crisis as oil price plunges

NCRI - The Iranian regime is facing a deepening financial crisis as the price of crude oil plunges on international markets. The regime's budget...

Iran: IRGC’s incursion into economy continues under Hassan Rouhani

By: Mohammad AminIn early October 2014, a senior official of the Iranian regime stated that the major projects on the Kish Island (one of...

Iran: Falling oil prices compounds effects of nuclear sanctions

The continued decline in the price of oil, which is down about 25 percent since June, could compound the effect of international sanctions on...

Iran: 5,000 mine workers go on strike demanding release of co-workers

NCRI - Some 5,000 Iranian mine workers went on strike on Tuesday in central province of Yazd demanding the release of two workers who...

Iran under mullahs becomes the country with highest money-laundering risk

Iran has one again been named as the country with the highest risk of money-laundering, according to the new 2014 report from the Basel...

Oil rich Iranian province is suffering from poverty and deprivation

The southern Iranian province of Khuzestan which holds majority of Iranian oil reserves and natural gas is one of the poor areas in the...

The Ten Economic Burdens of Iran

By: Mohammad AminThe latest report issued by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on April 5th, discusses at length the issues of economic stagnation, negative...
kerman coal mine

Five injured in Iran mine explosion

Five mine workers have been injured in an explosion in a granite mine in the Iranian city of Ardakan. Two miners were severely injured...

Iran: Gold merchants and jewelry traders protest in several cities

NCRI - Gold merchants and jewelry traders in city of Isfahan continued their protest for third consecutive day while in the northwestern cities of...