Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Iran’s Tea Farms on the Verge of Destruction

Iran’s Tea Farms on the Verge of Destruction

By Staff Writer Due to excessive tea import, lack of incentives for domestic tea producers and a systematic corruption, many of Iran’s tea gardens...
Oil, Iran

Iran Regime to Sell Oil to People: A Deceptive Action to Further Plunder the...

After a few days of bragging about an “economic relief,” the Iranian regime’s president Hassan Rouhani announced his plan: Selling oil to the Iranian...

Thirteen Iranian Cities Joined Abadan’s Uprising for the Fourth Night Running

Iran – Protests No. 4 Protests in Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, Omidiyeh, Shiraz, Behbahan, Shahinshahr, Isfahan, Yazd, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas, Mahshahr, Sar-bandar, and Baghmalek in Support of...

Iran Arms Embargo: State Media Reject Rouhani’s Claims of Victory

On October 18, Tehran announced that the United Nations arms embargo has officially ended. Although this news was far from reality, the state-run media...

Iran Protests: The Significance of Oil Workers’ Strike

On Monday, workers at a petrochemical complex in Asaluyeh, southern Iran, went on strike. Their colleagues in the Abadan oil refinery also joined them...
Alireza Zakani, former senior member of the Iranian regime Parliament

Former Iran Regime Lawmaker: The Shah Was Corrupt, but the People Were Clean. Today,...

In an unprecedented comparison between the former and the current regimes ruling Iran, a former member of the regime’s Parliament (Majlis) accused society of...
Iran Issues Licenses to Chinese Trawlers, Local Fishermen Lose Out

Iran Issues Licenses to Chinese Trawlers, Local Fishermen Lose Out

By Amir Taghati Fishermen in southern Iran have repeatedly protested the licenses being issued to Chinese fishing boats engaged in deep-sea trawling. However, the...
Faced with a bankrupt economy due to international sanctions over its illicit WMD and terrorist activities, Iran's regime faces a stark choice: Either it can stop wasting the nation's precious wealth on its regional aggressions or it can raise funds by increasing taxes and reducing services for an already impoverished nation. The regime has chosen the latter.

Iran’s Regime Is Further Draining the Nation’s Wealth on Terror Abroad

Faced with a — NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) ’s Regime — NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) September 30, 2019 While the regime uses the Iranian nation's...

Iran Regime’s Embezzlement Case Obscures True Criminals

By Hamideh Taati The Iranian Regime’s Judiciary has announced what could be its largest embezzlement case ever at 6.6 billion Euros ($7.4 billion) as part...

Iran’s Ongoing Protests and Raisi’s Economic Surgery

Protests in different Iranian cities entered their seventh day on Tuesday. With anti-regime slogans, these demonstrations are the broadest display of a volatile society....