Friday, July 19, 2024
Iran Regime Spends over Two Times Its Budget on Subsidies

Iran Regime Spends over Two Times Its Budget on Subsidies

By Mahmoud Hakamian The Iranian Plan and Budget Organization (PBO) has said that the Regime will spend more than two times the government’s budget on...

Over 12 million unemployed in Iran, Iranian regime’s MP admits

NCRI - An Iranian lawmaker has revealed there are now at least 12 million people unemployed in Iran and ridiculed Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's claim that...

Iran: Where People Sell Their Hearts Due to Poverty 

 Last year, a heart-wrenching interview of a 29-year young father who wanted to sell his heart circulated on social media. This father had put an advertisement...
Elliptic, a cryptocurrency analysis firm, has recently estimated that about 4.5 percent of all the world’s bitcoin mining operations take place in Iran.

Iran Regime’s Bitcoin Mining Causes Blackouts, Worsens Risks from Coronavirus

Numerous large-scale blackouts have been reported across Iran in recent days. In the capital city of Tehran, electricity remained unavailable in certain areas for...
tax evasion in the Iranian economy

Taxation and Tax Evasion Turns into Battleground between State and Iran’s Population

The mullahs' illegitimate regime, now in its forty-fifth year of oppressive and corrupt governance, extends its reach into every facet of Iranian life. Consequently,...

Ahmadinejad plunders billions of Rials during last minutes in office

NCRI - Former president of the Iranian regime, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, withdrew 160 billion Rials from his official presidential bank account in the final minutes...

Iran deal won’t be potential game changer for inducing change in Tehran

Those who see the July 14 Iran nuclear deal as a potential game changer for inducing a fundamental transformation in Tehran have got it...

Iranian regime needs oil at $125 per barrel to prevent deficit

For the Iranian regime to end the calendar year without a budget deficit the oil prices need to reach about $125 per barrel, an...

Can Iran Replace Russia in the Global Gas Market?

The energy crisis in Europe resulting from the war in Ukraine has made its leaders think more about alternative energy resources including green energy....
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World’s top banks have stopped dealing with Iran, says senior US Treasury official

NCRI – U.S. Treasury undersecretary for terrorism and financial intelligence Stuart Levey told the Senate Finance Committee Tuesday that the world's top banks have...