Saturday, July 20, 2024

Per Capita Income Conditions in Iran No Different From War-Torn Syria

NCRI - The state-run Aftab-e Yazd daily, affiliated with the faction loyal to Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, issued a post shedding important light on Iran’s...

Iran: Economic Crisis and the Closure of Factories

NCRI - Hassan Rouhani claims that one of his government's economic achievements and records during his presidency is that Iran's economy was collapsing and the...

Iran: 70% of Factories Have Been Shut Down in Iran

NCRI - Chairman of the House of Industry Mines and Trade of Iran, Wahab Sahlabadi, said that "only 30 percent of manufacturing units in Iran...

Iran: Even One Million New Jobs a Year Will Not Change the Unemployment Rate

NCRI - The Iranian regime’s Parliament on Sunday April 23, hold a closed-door session to address the issue of unemployment, in this meeting Ministers of...

Iran Regime’s ‘Presidential Election’ and Absurd Promises

NCRI - A tasty rumor for teachers was released just before the start of the new Persian year (March 2017), according to which a $150-$220...

Iran: Widespread Financial Corruption in Judicial Branch

NCRI - In reaction to remarks made a few days ago by regime’s MP ‘Mahmoud Sadeghi’ about the ‘astronomical salaries’ paid in the judicial branch,...

Iran: The Largest Bicycle Factory Manufacturing Comes to a Still Stand

NCRI - According to Tasnim News Agency Online, Asak bicycle manufacturing factory in Ghochan, which was one of the largest bicycle manufacturing in the Middle...

MP Shedding Light at Iran’s Automotive Industries “Mafia”

NCRI - An Iran parliament member of Industries and Mines Commission reported that Iran's automotive industry’s "mafia" is "jeopardizing the citizens’ safety and welfare.” Javad...

Iran: Major Class Division Due to Corruption & Systematic Plundering

NCRI - In Iran economic inequality and class divisions has reached a point that many economic experts have literally divided all people into those who...

Iran Regime’s Largest Bank (Saderat) Likely to Be Delisted From Stock Market

NCRI - Following its 282 percent loss in the stock exchange, it’s now more likely that Iranian regime’s Saderat Bank be delisted from the market...