Tuesday, July 16, 2024
iran electrical power grid

Facts and Stats on Energy Crisis in Iran

Iran is currently grappling with a severe energy crisis, a situation exacerbated by a combination of mismanagement by consecutive governments and the dominance of...

Mass Migration Threatens Iran Due to Acute Water Scarcity

Amid the escalating water scarcity crisis across different parts of Iran, Ali Ahmadzadeh, the governor of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad province disclosed on August 17...
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Every 12 Hours A Worker Commits Suicide in Iran

Iranian state media and several Telegram channels linked to labor and trade unions have reported on the tragic suicide of a former worker from...

Iran’s Regime Gambles with Gas Prices in a Society that Longs for a Spark...

New reports from inside Iran reveal a surge of unrest at numerous gas and fuel stations. As tensions tend to lead to protests against...
iran tehran building collapsed

Under the Clerical Regime, No House is Safe in Iran

On August 7, a set of five buildings collapsed simultaneously in the Ahmadieh (19th) district of Tehran. While the demolition of one building was...
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Lack Of Job Security Forces Iran’s Medical Professional Into Suicide, Migration

The policies of the ruling clerics in Iran have had a devastating impact on the middle class over recent years, causing it to dwindle...
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Iran’s Regime Doomed to Face More Uprisings As The Economy Tanks

Iran is fast approaching the first anniversary of the latest round of popular uprisings that waged across the entire country, continued for several months,...

Iran Beyond Migration: The Annihilation of Human Capital

Once sensing a perceived regional dominance, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the former monarchial dictator of Iran, decided to dissolve all political parties in the country....

Iran’s Economy Teeters on the Edge as Raisi Completes Two Years in Office

When Ebrahim Raisi took the helm of the executive branch in Iran in 2021, his appointment seemed to focus solely on quelling the potential...
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Iran’s Hyped-Up SCO Entry Leaves Economic Expectations Unmet

In recent weeks, officials and representatives of Ebrahim Raisi's government have launched an extensive propaganda campaign regarding the Iranian regime's membership in the Shanghai...