Sunday, July 21, 2024

Rising Currency and Failure of Iran Regime to Attract Foreign Investment

NCRI - According to the state-run ISNA news agency, the dollar's exchange rate in the foreign exchange market exceeded 5,000 Toman per dollar. ISNA reiterated that...

Iran: Regime Affiliated Institutions Create Problem for Producers

NCRI - The Iranian regime called the Iranian New Year (Nowruz) as the year of “protection of Iranian goods” and called on all “authorities and...

Iran Regime’s New Budget Benefits the Mullahs and the Military Above All Else

NCRI Staff NCRI - Iranian regime’s latest budget is roughly $350 billion for the financial year 2018/2019. It is currently most well known for a...

Iran Regime Soon to Face the Shocking Consequences of Dollar’s Sharp Rise

NCRI Staff NCRI - The U.S. dollar’s rise against the Iranian rial has led to serious concerns among different social classes, the middle and low-income...

Corruption in Iran Can Only Be Defeated With Regime Change

NCRI Staff NCRI - The head of the Central Bank of Iran, Valiollah Seif, recently claimed that illegal stakeholders make it hard to reform Iran's...

Iran Regime Attempts to Subvert Telegram With Regime-Controlled Messaging App

  NCRI Staff NCRI - Several members of Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace have suggested promoting an Iranian version of the instant messaging app Telegram, over fears...

Iranian Currency’s Free Fall Could Erupt Public Discontent, Warn State Media

NCRI Staff NCRI - Pointing to Iranian currency’s free fall, regime’s media are warning that this could lead to an eruption of public discontent, while...

Iran: Workers’ Trade Unions Call on Authorities to Set Minimum Monthly Wage at 5...

NCRI Staff NCRI - In a joint statement on the workers’ minimum salary in 2018, three workers’ trade union organizations while pointing out that the...

Iran: the Fall of French Optimism

  NCRI Staff NCRI - According to Press Club, in an article about the economic relations of France with Iran the French La Dépêche Info site...

Iran: The Truth About the IRGC’s Business Empire

NCRI Staff NCRI - Iran’s Defence Minister Amir Hatami recently proclaimed that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei ordered the Regime’s Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) to curtail...