Sunday, July 21, 2024
Iran’s Oil Crisis Is Result of Pressure From United States

Iran’s Oil Crisis Is Result of Pressure From United States

By Amir Taghati The U.S. administration has been warning Iran that it will no longer be accepting its belligerence. The United states announced that...
Iran’s Oil Situation Shows No Signs of Improving

Iran’s Oil Situation Shows No Signs of Improving

By Staff Writer In May, US President announced that the United States would be pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal. He also announced...
Iran Regime’s Inability to Supply Electricity Sparks Wave of Protests

Iran’s Power Outages: Regime’s Inability to Supply Electricity Sparks Wave of Protests

By Mahmoud Hakamian In addition to disrupting people’s everyday lives, widespread and unannounced power outages have also sparked dissatisfaction and protests in cities across...
Iran Regime’s Efforts to Steady the Economy Have Failed

Iran Regime’s Efforts to Steady the Economy Have Failed

By Staff Writer Efforts by Iran’s central bank to stop the decline in the value of the rial and end the black market trade...
US Plans to Cut off All Iran Regime’s Oil Exports by November

US Plans to Cut off All Iran Regime’s Oil Exports by November

By Staff Writer The US State Department has announced that it aims to cut off all Iranian regime’s oil exports by November, as part...
Iran Economy in Freefall

Iran Economy in Freefall

By Staff Writer The Iranian economy took another nosedive this weekend, with Iran’s currency, the rial, dramatically decreasing in value against the US dollar,...
Iran: Can the Current Regime Recover the Collapsing Economy?

Iran: Can the Current Regime Recover the Collapsing Economy?

By Mahmoud Hakamian The Iranian economy is going through major changes and the past few months have been turbulent. To say the least. This...
Feuds Over FATF, Iran Regime’s Impasse

Feuds Over FATF, Iran Regime’s Impasse

By Mahmoud Hakamian Despite the Iranian regime’s parliament’s stagnant progress in joining the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) or the acceptance of certain protocols...
French Finance Minister: It Will Be Impossible to Trade With Iran Once Us Sanctions Are Imposed

French Finance Minister: It Will Be Impossible to Trade With Iran Once US Sanctions...

By Amir Taghati French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Tuesday that French companies will find it impossible to continue doing business with...
“80% decline in the purchasing power of Iranians in just 8 months”

“80% Decline in the Purchasing Power of Iranians in Just 8 Months”

By Staff Writer Many economists had predicted that the growing financial and livelihood crises of this year were going to be accompanied by irreversible...