Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Collapse of the 10-Story Building In Abadan Leaves Many Dead

Experts’ Warnings Had Been Ignored Outraged People of Abadan Expel the Mayor From the Scene According to the state-run media, yesterday, the incomplete 10-story metropolitan building...

Brain Drain: Iran’s Brilliant Generation on the Brink

The list of talented Iranians leaving Iran is endless: Athletes, scientists, doctors, engineers, mathematicians, and now winners of global science competitions. Iran’s colossal brain...
Decrease of Oil Production and Revenues: A Crushing Blow to Iran’s Regime Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

Decrease of Oil Production and Revenues: A Crushing Blow to Iran’s Regime Amid Coronavirus...

According to the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) monthly report published on April 17, Iran’s crude oil production in March was just 2.18 million barrels per day...

Iran’s Automotive Industry and Corruption

Iran’s economy is mired in corruption, and this fact does not require any peering into the gloom. It is impossible to find an industry...
Iran’s regime fears post-coronavirus outbreak situation, desperately tries to control restive society

Iran’s Regime Fears Post-Coronavirus Outbreak Situation, Desperately Tries to Control Restive Society

The Iranian regime’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak confirms how they consider this humanitarian crisis to be a security threat. The Iranian regime’s officials and state media have been giving warnings of the “post-coronavirus...

Iran Regime’s Central Bank Chief Admits to Mullahs’ Absolute Economic Deadlock

Abdolnaser Hemati, the Iranian regime’s Central Bank President, acknowledged that rising prices of goods and the inflation rate is due to the regime’s wrong economic policies.   In...
iran khamenei masked

Five Months of Iran Protests Forces Khamenei to Acknowledge the Failure of the Regime 

  On Monday, the Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, acknowledged the failure of his regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, whose presidency he had described as...
Glance At Iran’s Economic Crisis: Sanctions or Regime, Which One To Blame?

The Only Economic Fix For Iran At This Point Is Regime Change

In a piece for “Real Clear Market”, Mr. Abbas Davari, the Chairman of the Labor Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran...

Iran’s Air Pollution Crisis: a Silent Killer

City lights are dim, one can hardly see a few meters ahead, and sounds of repeated coughing echo throughout the street. The haze and...

Iran: The Origins of Hamedan’s Water Crisis

Last week, locals rallied in Hamedan, western Iran, protesting the water shortage. Protests erupted in Hamedan a few days after regime security forces suppressed...