Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Irans Education System village children

Stats Show Regime Destroyed Iran’s Education and Future

According to Article 30 of the Iranian regime's Constitution, “The government is obligated to provide free education up to the end of secondary school...
iran state officials corruption

Iran’s Regime Thrives on Corruption, Though Not for Long

In Iran, inequality has become the separating force between regime insiders and outcasts, where deep-seethed and systemic fraud burdens people to choose between an...
iran money exchange economy

Iran’s State Media Fact Checking: In Raisi’s Two Years Term Lies Outpaced Actions

Building 4 million homes in 4 years, equating to one million homes per year Creating 4 million jobs in 4 years, amounting to...
iran central insurance company building (1)

Exploring the Motives behind the Dismissal of Iran’s Central Insurance Chief

Shortly after reports surfaced of a cyberattack targeting 18 insurance companies in Iran, the Director-General of Iran's Central Insurance Company found himself ousted from...
iran persian gulf oil leak (1)

Environmental Consequences of Aging Oil Pipelines in Iran

Recent reports have drawn attention to a significant issue in Iran involving oil leaks and their resulting environmental disasters. A recent incident, occurring on...
khamenei irgc commanders (1)

Iran’s $1.5 Trillion Swindle: Plundering Prosperity

On August 16, 2023, the state-run Roydad24 published a damning acknowledgment of Ali Saadvandi, a state-affiliated economist. “In the last 20 years, we had...
iran south pars gas field raisi

Iran’s South Pars Gas Field: A Goldmine for Corruption, Not Progress

In recent days, the Iranian regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, has been making a lot of fanfare about opening the “South Pars” gas field in...

Iran’s Economic Quagmire: Corruption and Crisis

Social and economic inequality is indeed a global problem. But when it comes to Iran under the ruling theocracy, the situation becomes more like...
iran banknote printing (1)

The Toll of Unbacked Banknotes: Iran’s Inflation and Suffering

Since becoming the Iranian regime’s president in 2021, Ebrahim Raisi has been making hollow promises and bogus claims about economic reform and prosperity. Yet,...
Iran oil fields

Iranian Oil Exports: From Reality to Propaganda

Officials from the Iranian regime's Ministry of Oil are claiming that they have managed to achieve oil sales comparable to pre-sanctions levels, all the...