Tuesday, July 16, 2024

JCPOA and Gas Shortage: Can Tehran Actually Use Fossil Fuels as Leverage?

Negotiations to revive the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers have been going on for months without any result. The Iranian...
dead_body, suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day and Rising Number of Suicides in Iran 

September 10 marked World Suicide Prevention Day, while cases of suicides in Iran are rising. “We had 4200 cases of suicides last year,” the...
Iran's economic collapse

Silent Death of Iran’s Economy: Sanctions or Mismanagement, Which To Blame?

Iran’s economy is collapsing. The mullahs’ regime and its apologists consider sanctions as the real damaging factor. But state-run media and economists identify mismanagement...

Iran: Raisi’s Russia Visit Much Ado About Nothing

The Iranian regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, wrapped up his visit to Russia on January 20. It was supposed to mark a dramatic improvement in...
Iranian Fishermen Out Of Jobs While Regime Sells Oman And Persian Gulf Fish To China Causing Environmental Crisis

The Betrayal of Mullahs and Empty Net of Iranian Fishers

By Amir Taghati Not long ago, the officials of the Iranian regime were busy denying the presence of Chinese fishers in Persian Gulf and Sea...

How the IRGC Profited off the Destruction of Iran’s Natural Ecosystems

By: Khalil Khani Under the clerical regime’s rule, Iran is facing an unprecedented environmental crisis with diminishing water resources, deforestation, rapid desertification, and air pollution...

Iran Regime’s Institutionalized Corruption and Its Strategic Consequences

Iranian regime's top officials including the supreme leader and president and their families are involved in a systematic corruption in Iran Written by Shamsi Saadati on 11 February...

Why Thousands of People in Iran Are Abandoning their Newborn

Newborn infants bring joy to the family. Some consider them as a piece of heaven on earth. A mother endures pain for nine months...
Iran’s regime Will Surely Misuse Any Funding Granted to it During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Iran’s Regime Will Surely Misuse Any Funding Granted to It During the Coronavirus Pandemic

The Iranian regime’s leaders have been begging for sanctions relief since their first public acknowledgment of a domestic coronavirus outbreak. They have made every effort to...

Flooding Causing Loss of Lives and Massive Devastations in Iran

Heavy flooding and landslide have devastated Iran’s landscape for the past two weeks. It has caused many lives and economic damages across the country....