Friday, July 19, 2024

Iran State-Run Media Warn Regime’s Officials of Another Public Outburst

With Iran’s increasing economic crisis due to the regime’s mismanagement, state-run media warn of another public outburst against the entire regime. “in the current ...
Iran’s economic crisis has been at the center of attention of both domestic & foreign media. Is it due to sanctions or regime's corruption?

Iran’s Economic Crisis: Sanctions or the Regime, Which One To Blame?

Iran’s economic crisis has been at the center of attention of both domestic and foreign media. While the regime and its apologists try to...

Iran’s Stock Market Exchange Crisis Sign of Regime’s Economic Mismanagement, Institutionalized Corruption

On Tuesday and Wednesday, hundreds of people gathered outside the SEO building in Tehran. They protested the regime’s role in the sudden collapse of...

Iran: Khamenei Sheds Crocodile Tear for Nurses, but Refuses To Use His Financial Empire...

The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, who oversees one of the world's largest financial empires, shed crocodile tears for nurses on Sunday but...

Iran State-Run Media Identify Regime as Real Source of Problems, Warn of “Shadows of...

Every day, due to the Iranian people's economic and social hardships, the state-run media warn of another uprising on a much larger scale. On Tuesday,...
Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, MEK, NCRI, uprising

As Social Problems Increase in Iran, State-Run Media Warn of Possible Uprisings

As Iranian people continue grappling with various social problems due to the regime’s mismanagement, state-run media warn the clerical regime of a possible uprising. Recently,...

Iran Regime’s Economic Mismanagement Has Made “High Prices” a Meaningless Expression and Ruined People’s...

The prices of essential goods in Iran have reached heights which could not be named “high prices.” The prices are increasing daily due to...
Iran, IRGC, Iran Protests, state media, maryam rajavi, mek

Iran State Media Warn Officials of People’s “Economic Dissatisfaction”

The major Iran protests in November 2019 rattled the regime's foundation. These protests started due to the general economic problems, particularly a sudden fuel...

Iran’s Regime Spends $600 Million To Expand Its Influence in Iraq, While Children Commit...

While children and teenagers commit suicide in Iran out of poverty, the mullahs’ regime continues spending the nation’s wealth on its foreign adventurism. Reuters revealed...

Iran’s State-Run Media Warn Officials of “Irreparable Costs” of Economic Mismanagement

Iran's state-run media now warn that the future will witness more social protests due to the regime's economic mismanagement. "The budget and dollar currency exchange...