Thursday, July 18, 2024

Iran: Agreement With China Shows the Mullahs Will Sacrifice the Entire Country for Power

Iranian regime’s first Supreme Leader, Ruhollah Khomeini, once remarked that if he were faced with a situation that required either giving up on the...

Iran-China Deal: Mullahs’ Disgraceful Agreement To Keep Their Regime in Power

In a disgraceful agreement, the mullahs' regime auctioned Iran's natural resources and national wealth to China on Saturday. This so-called "strategic and comprehensive plan"...

Iran’s Economy Is on Freefall

While the regime's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, called the New Persian Year of 1400, the year of "Production, support and removing barriers," Iran's economy...

Iran Regime’s Systematic Corruption and Iran’s Economic Crisis

News from Iran indicates how people are grappling with economic hardships, particularly the skyrocketing prices and inflation. Meanwhile, the state-run media acknowledge how the...
Khamenei Plans to Further Plunder Iran’s People  

Khamenei Plans to Further Plunder Iran’s People  

By Abbas Davari, Chairman of the NCRI’s Labor Commission  The Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, during his yearly speech on the occasion of the New Persian...
Iran’s People in Long Queues To Purchase Basic Needs

Iran’s People in Long Queues To Purchase Basic Needs

Iranian people are struggling in the swamp of poverty and can hardly make their ends meet. Despite efforts by mullahs’ apologists to frame sanctions...

Iran: Economic Crisis and Its Outlook in New Persian Year 1400

Iranians have started the new year while they are still grappling with poverty. Iran's statistics center announced on Sunday that the twelve-month inflation rate...

Iran: Rouhani and Khamenei’s Nowruz Speeches Show Regime’s Deadlock

Saturday marked the beginning of the new Persian Year of 1400. Facing a restive society and being in international isolation, the regime's top officials...

Iran State-Run Media: People Pay the Price of the Regime’s Policies

In the last couple of days, Iran state-run media acknowledged how the regime's wrong policies had devastated Iranian people's lives. They also warn the...

Facts and Figures Show How Mullahs Have Destroyed Iran’s Economy

While Iran's economy suffers and people struggle to make ends meet, the regime continues its wrong economic policies. However, to quell society and deceive...