Thursday, July 18, 2024
Iranian boy searching through garbage for livelihood

A Glance At Garbage Collecting Tragedy in Iran

Simultaneous with the economic crisis in Iran due to the regime’s corruption and malign policies, social disasters continue to grow. One of them is...
Full packed street in Tehran, Iran

Amid Factional Feuds, Iran Officials and Media Accuse Each Other Of Economic Crisis

The Iranian regime’s infightings have increased in recent days due to the mullahs’ domestic and international crises. Amid their factional feuds, the state-run media...

Despite Mullahs’ Claims, Iran’s Economy Is Collapsing

Iran’s economy is suffering from mullahs’ institutionalized corruption and wrong policies. While the mullahs’ apologists blame sanctions for Iran’s economic crisis, officials inside Iran...
Iran's IRGC planning for huge construction project

Iran’s Economy Suffers from Effects of Corruption, Not Sanctions

Iran’s economic problems have been growing steadily worse for many years. Iranian officials have made concerted efforts to blame that situation on Western sanctions,...
Stock image of digital red

The Root of Iran’s Economic Crisis

Iranians hardly make their ends meet and grapple with the Covid-19 outbreak and various economic hardships, such as skyrocketing prices and inflation. State-run media...
Iran Long lines for purchasing poultry

Iran’s Regime Corruption Puts The Economy On Free Fall In New Persian Year Of...

Saturday, March 21, marked the New Persian Year of 1400. Despite mullahs’ claims, Iran’s economic crisis will deepen in the new year, and people...

Iran’s Regime Acknowledges Worsening Economic Decline but Has No Plan To Reverse It

Last year, economic conditions in Iran landed the country in the fourth slot on a ranking based on the misery index. The underlying calculations...

Real Cause and Outlook of Iran’s Economic Crisis

When it comes to Iran’s economic crisis, many of the regime’s apologists, or those unaware of the mullahs’ institutionalized corruption, blame international sanctions. However,...

Iran Regime’s Officials Express Fear of Iran’s Restive Society

As economic and social crises worsen in Iran due to the regime’s actions, more officials express fear of society’s restiveness and increase oppressive measures...
Iran Economy Will Not Survive With Mullahs in Charge

Public-Private Partnership Bill: Iran Regime’s Plan To Further Plunder People

The Iranian regime has been using different tactics to plunder Iranians and devastate Iran’s economy. The regime’s so-called different “economic plans” are mullahs’ methods...