Thursday, July 18, 2024
The question is, how could Khamenei, Raisi, and the entire regime resolve economic crises, which endanger their “security”? 

Iran’s Economic Crises and Regime’s Deadlock After Election

Iran’s sham presidential election ended on June 19. As forecasted, the regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, pulled Ebrahim Raisi out of the ballot to...

Rouhani’s Bogus Claim and Depth of Iran’s Economic Crises

The Iranian regime’s outgoing president Hassan Rouhani recently claimed his government had achieved important economic goals. Meanwhile, state media acknowledge that Iran’s economy is...
Khamenei Plans to Further Plunder Iran’s People  

State Media: Iran’s Economic Crises and Its Enemies

A day after Iran's sham presidential election on June 18, the state-run media acknowledged Iran's worsening economic crises.   "In the current situation, most sections of...

Iran’s Economic Crises Persist After Sham Presidential Election

The Iranian regime’s sham presidential election ended on June 18. Regime’s candidates, mainly Ebrahim Raisi, the Supreme Leader’s preferred candidate, spoke of economic reforms...
While many try to downplay Iran's economic crises or blame sanctions for their creation, state-run media acknowledge aspects of these crises.

The Cause of Iran’s Economic Crises

Iran is experiencing its worst economic crisis. While many in the west try to downplay these crises or blame sanctions for their creation, state-run...

Poverty and Child Labor in Iran

June 12 marks World Day Against Child Labor. According to the United Nations 2020 annual report, at the start of 2020, prior to the...
While many try to blame sanctions for people’s hardships, facts acknowledged by the state media show regime is the cause of economic crisis.

Iran State Media Acknowledge the Cause of Economic Crises

Iran is going through various economic crises. Iranian people are suffering from skyrocketing prices. While many try to blame sanctions for people’s hardships, facts...
In recent days Iran’s state media have acknowledged the role of the regime in destroying Iran’s economy and wasting resources on terrorism.

Iran: State Media Acknowledge Regime Wastes Resources on Terrorism

Iran’s economy is going through its worst conditions since 1979. People are experiencing different economic crises due to the regime’s corruption and warmongering policies....
In recent days, Iran’s state-run media have acknowledged some aspects of the country’s economic crises and how it affects people.

Iran’s Economic Crises and How It Affects Society

In recent days, Iran’s state-run media have acknowledged some aspects of the country’s economic crises and how it affects people. While the regime and...
In recent days cities across Iran experienced long power blackouts. As a result, people’s hatred toward the regime as the source of this crisis has increased.

Iran: Intensifying Power Blackouts Crisis and Regime’s Role

In recent days cities across Iran experienced long power blackouts. As a result, people’s hatred toward the regime as the source of this crisis has increased. Thus, the...