Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Foreign Minister of the Biggest Abuser of Human Rights and Godfather of Terrorism (The...

More than half of the world's recorded executions took place in Iran in 2021 Receiving Abdollahian, embolden mullahs to intensify repression in Iran...

Collapse of the 10-Story Building In Abadan Leaves Many Dead

Experts’ Warnings Had Been Ignored Outraged People of Abadan Expel the Mayor From the Scene According to the state-run media, yesterday, the incomplete 10-story metropolitan building...

Iran’s Air Pollution Crisis: a Silent Killer

City lights are dim, one can hardly see a few meters ahead, and sounds of repeated coughing echo throughout the street. The haze and...

UN Special Rapporteur’s Visit to Iran Justifies the Clerical Regime’s Criminal and Plundering Policies

As Iranian cities rise up against criminal and plundering mullahs and protest against high prices, poverty, and inflation, the ruling religious fascism is using...

Uprising of the People of Golpayegan, Central Iran

The Uprising of the People of Golpayegan With the Slogan “Khamenei Is a Murderer, His Rule Is Illegitimate”, “Raisi, Have Some Shame, Let Go...

Iran’s State Media Repeated Warnings of a Looming Uprising

Whitewashing regime crimes, repeating anti-western rhetoric, demonizing the opposition, and minimizing social and economic crises, have been the common theme in Iranian state media....

Iran’s Ongoing Protests and Raisi’s Economic Surgery

Protests in different Iranian cities entered their seventh day on Tuesday. With anti-regime slogans, these demonstrations are the broadest display of a volatile society....

Uprising in Shahrekord Continues for the 5th Night Running

Iran protest against soaring prices- No. 5 A regime parliament deputy: The MEK once again portrayed its enmity by attacking the offices of the Friday...

State Officials’ Rhetoric Reveal Real Fear of Iran’s Uprising for Bread

While the protests over soaring prices of food staples are spreading from one province to the other, the systemic hypocrisy of state officials is...

Uprising in Neyshabur, Quchan, Hafshejan, Borujerd, Farsan, and Babaheydar, Boroujen, and Razaviyeh District of...

Iran protest against soaring prices- No. 4 Popular protests against skyrocketing prices continued despite widespread repressive measures for the 4th night running on Saturday evening,...