Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran’s Bank-e Meli Robbery: A Heist or a Pre-Staged Show?

On Monday, Iran’s state TV reported that “burglars cut through the wall of a branch of Bank Meli (Persian for National Bank) from a...

Economic Woes Cause Protests, but Why Do Iran’s People Target Regime Officials?

On June 5, the death anniversary of the Iranian regime’s founder Ruhollah Khomeini, all officials, from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei to military commanders in...

Iran Regime’s Oil Export Conundrum

The war in Ukraine sent shockwaves throughout the world regarding energy consumption. The fossil energy crisis has become a conundrum. While the current rising...

Why Iran’s Regime Seized Greek Vessels?

The Iranian regime’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) seized two Greek oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz in an apparent retaliatory move. But all facts...

Thirteen Iranian Cities Joined Abadan’s Uprising for the Fourth Night Running

Iran – Protests No. 4 Protests in Ahvaz, Khorramshahr, Omidiyeh, Shiraz, Behbahan, Shahinshahr, Isfahan, Yazd, Bushehr, Bandar Abbas, Mahshahr, Sar-bandar, and Baghmalek in Support of...

Angry People of Abadan’s Uprising for the Third Night Running

Abadan’s Solidarity Protests in Khorramshahr, Behbahan, Shahinshahr, Bandar Abbas Protesters Chanted: “Khamenei Is a Murderer, His Rule Is Illegitimate,” “Raisi, Shame on You, Leave the...

To Make Sense of the Regime’s Economic Surgery, Look at Uprisings

Recent nationwide protests over the rising prices of products such as bread, cooking oil, eggs and pasta first began in Khuzestan province (southwestern Iran)...

Congratulations to the Relatives of the Victims of the Ukrainian Plane Crash

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) congratulates the relatives of the victims of the Ukrainian plane, shot down by the...

Iranian Worker Self-immolation Due to Poverty Is the Tip of an Iceberg

On Tuesday, an Iranian worker self-immolated due to his poor living condition. His tragic suicide reflects the deplorable state of Iranian workers. According to the...

Iran: Angry People of Abadan Protest Burying People Alive Under the Rubble of the...

Protesters Chanted: “People of Abadan, Rise Up; Your Brother Was Killed,” “Guns, Tanks Are No Longer Effective, Mullahs Must Go,” “Death to the Dictator,”...