Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran: Stepped-up Exploitation of Workers and Lack of Minimum Safety Precautions

The Number of Workers Killed Annually Due to Work Accidents Has Quadrupled in Three Decades On August 20, 2022, Setareh Sobh daily reported the death...

Flooding Causing Loss of Lives and Massive Devastations in Iran

Heavy flooding and landslide have devastated Iran’s landscape for the past two weeks. It has caused many lives and economic damages across the country....

Iran: Eight Workers Set Themselves on Fire to Protest Brutal Exploitation by the Mullahs’...

Call To Condemn Regime’s Anti-labor Policies and Serious Violations of International Laws and Standards The state-run Etemad newspaper wrote on August 2: "From May 22...

Iran’s Regime Survives and Thrives From Crises 

Natural disasters, economic woes, and social crises could happen in any country. But what distinguishes democratic countries from authoritarian regimes is their response to...

Iran: Ebrahim Raisi’s Presidency, One Year On

One year after the Iranian regime’s Supreme Leader installed an illiterate mass murderer as president and consolidated power in all three branches of power,...

Iran’s Kleptocracy Allows Incompetents To Decide People’s Fate 

The Iranian regime’s corruption is common knowledge and doesn’t need any peering into the gloom. Iran’s ruling theocracy has all the characteristics of a...

After Meat and Eggs, Now Iranians Cannot Afford Bread and Cheese 

A nation is known for its traditional and unique dishes. With its rich history and cultural diversity, Iran has a reputation for delicious food....

On Social Security Pensioners Day, Pensioners Demonstrate in 20 Provinces, Chant Anti-regime Slogans

Iranian pensioners rallied and demonstrated in 20 provinces to protest low salaries and the regime's disregard for their rights. The protests coincided with the...

Pensioners Demonstrate in 10 Provinces, Chant Anti-regime Slogans

Iran Protests Pensioners demonstrated in various Iranian cities in at least 10 provinces today, Saturday, July 2,  outside governorates and social security centers, and in...

Another Bogus Claim by Iran’s Raisi: Clerics Taught Nurses How to Work During Pandemic!

Apart from his notorious career as the “hanging judge,” the Iranian regime’s president Ebrahim Raisi is known for his bizarre and foolish remarks about...