Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s State Media Have Been Warning against Excessive Taxation

On September 27, the state-run Shargh newspaper reported that tax revenues in Iran have doubled in the past six months, surpassing the income from...

Rouhani’s deputy: Regime faces threat from Iran’s youth if economy not resolved

NCRI – The Iranian regime is faced with a variety of economic crises which could lead to “threats” against the regime by Iran’s young...

Ilam Is a Province With the Highest Unemployment Rate in Iran

NCRI - According to the released news in the state-run websites on July 4, 2017, the unemployment and its problems, including indigence, are the...

Iran: Industry Sector Faces Negative Growth of %47 and Unemployment of 6500

NCRI - On January 18, 2017, the state-run Tasnim news agency, affiliated to terrorist Quds force, revealed deplorable state of the Iron and Steel Industry...
U.S. Should Impose Sanctions on Iran Regime's Petrochemical Industry

U.S. Should Impose Sanctions on Iran Regime’s Petrochemical Industry

By Staff Writer The Iranian regime is using revenue from the sale of petrochemicals to finance terrorism in the region. Democratic governments, including the...
Ahmadi out

Iran: Ahmadinejad’s government registers 140 bn dollar debt

NCRI - The government of the Iranian regime’s President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is running a staggering $140 billion debt, according to figures released by the...

Iran: “Bitter Nightmare” of November 2019 Protest Will Happen Again, Expert Warns 

Nationwide protests in November 2019 rocked Iran. People poured on the streets following the sudden increase in gas prices. In a few hours,...

Iran’s State Media and Officials Express Fear Over Restive Society

The Iranian people have suffered from the most severe economic and social crises in the last century. According to Iran’s state media, this situation...
Iran regime's Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, shed crocodile tears for people’s economic and social grievances on March 5.

Iran’s Economic Crisis and Khamenei’s Crocodile Tears

The regime’s Supreme Leader, Ali Khamenei, appeared on state television on March 5, on the national arbor day, shedding crocodile tears for Iran people’s economic and social...

Iran: IRGC’s incursion into economy continues under Hassan Rouhani

By: Mohammad AminIn early October 2014, a senior official of the Iranian regime stated that the major projects on the Kish Island (one of...