Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Corruption Scandal Rocks Iranian Regime’s Football Federation

Three-minute read In the Iranian regime, where unity among officials is primarily based on their association with crimes against humanity and the plundering of national...
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Iran’s $1.5 Trillion Swindle: Plundering Prosperity

On August 16, 2023, the state-run Roydad24 published a damning acknowledgment of Ali Saadvandi, a state-affiliated economist. “In the last 20 years, we had...

Kazem Sedighi, A Khamenei Ally, Exposed to Have Grabbed Billions Worth of Land in...

Two-minute read In a revelation that could have far-reaching socio-political consequences in an impoverished society, newly leaked documents suggest Kazem Sedighi, the interim Friday prayer...

Can Iran’s Regime Solve Its Gas Crisis?

During a three-day visit by Iranian regime Minister of Petroleum Javad Owji to Moscow for the "Russian Energy Week" conference, Russian President Vladimir Putin...
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Iranian Banks’ Debt to Central Bank Soars Amid Unchecked Money Printing

Three-minute read The exponential rise in Iranian banks' debt to the Central Bank over the past two years rings alarm bells for the country's economy,...
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Lack Of Job Security Forces Iran’s Medical Professional Into Suicide, Migration

The policies of the ruling clerics in Iran have had a devastating impact on the middle class over recent years, causing it to dwindle...

Delving into Iran’s Corruption Chronicles – Part 3

Corruption poses an enduring global challenge in various parts of the world; however, in Iran, it has taken unconventional and extensive forms. Faced with...
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Iranian Stock Market Closure Follows Death of Ebrahim Raisi Amid Financial Turmoil

Three-minute read Following the death of Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi, the Tehran Stock Exchange has shut down until further notice, according to official government...
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Environmental Consequences of Aging Oil Pipelines in Iran

Recent reports have drawn attention to a significant issue in Iran involving oil leaks and their resulting environmental disasters. A recent incident, occurring on...

Newly Announced Minimum Wage in Iran is 5 Times Lower than the Cost-of-Living Basket...

Ebrahim Raisi’s labor minister once again unilaterally announced the minimum wage for workers on the last day of Iranian year. This minimum is 4 to...