Wednesday, July 17, 2024

New Regime Decision Puts Iranians’ Lives at Risk with Domestic Gasoline Use

  Three-minute read Following statements by Oil Minister Javad Owji on April 12 regarding the commencement of gasoline production from methanol by petrochemicals, Hamidreza Hajibabaee, head...

BP Gears Up To Shut Down UK North Sea Field On Iran Sanctions

THE WALL STREET JOURNAL - LONDON (Dow Jones)--BP PLC (BP) said Wednesday it was taking steps to shut down a natural-gas field in the...

Iran: Taxpayers’ Money Looted by Giant ‘Revolutionary Foundations’ via Rouhani

NCRI - After the Iranian regime’s Oil Ministry awarded the Azadegan and four other oil fields development projects to two institutions known as the Barakat...

Iran’s Revolution and its Characteristics

Chants of “death to the dictator” rock Iranian streets. Many observers have described the recent events as the beginning of the Iranian revolution. In...

Iran’s April oil exports fall closer to West’s sanctions cap -IEA

(Reuters) - Iran's oil exports dropped for a second month in April, the International Energy Agency said, moving closer to levels allowed by November's...

The Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) Domination Over Iran’s Economy

NCRI - Iran regime’s Minister of Defense, Hossein Dehghan announced that the main government plans in petroleum, gas, oil, transport, dams, water transfer, telecommunication and...

World-Class Banks Refuse to Cooperate With Iran

  NCRI Staff NCRI - A member of the Iranian regime’s Money and Credit Council has reported that major banks are refusing to cooperate with the regime,...

Iran regime MP: 5 million unemployed graduates constitute a ticking time bomb

NCRI - Two members of the Iranian regime’s Majlis, or Parliament, recently delivered separate speeches each describing a gloomy prospect for Iran’s economy. Both...

India urges Iran to honour gas deal

NEW DELHI, India, April 27, 2007 (AFP) - India has urged Iran to honour a 22-billion dollar natural gas sales deal concluded two years...

Rising Currency and Failure of Iran Regime to Attract Foreign Investment

NCRI - According to the state-run ISNA news agency, the dollar's exchange rate in the foreign exchange market exceeded 5,000 Toman per dollar. ISNA reiterated that...