Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iranian Workers Struggle as Regime Fails to Adjust Salaries with Inflation

The Iranian regime made much fanfare about raising workers’ salaries by 27% at the start of the Persian New Year in March. Although considered...
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What To Make Of Raisi Reshuffling His “Young and Hezbollahi” Government 

On April 15, Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi dismissed two additional cabinet members, the Minister of Agriculture and the president of the Planning and...

Khamenei’s ‘Raisi Project’ Falters as Iranian Society Rises Up

In the inauguration of Ebrahim Raisi as the president of Iran’s regime, supreme leader Ali Khamenei, considered it “a glorious event” after a “meaningful...

Iran’s Economic Woes and the Search for Solutions: Why the Regime is Out of...

Iran’s economic crisis worsens every day. Despite its rich resources, the country’s economic maladies are devastating. Authorities' self-boasting rhetoric prevents them from admitting that...
iran currency crisis

The Hidden Aspects of Iran’s Economic Crisis and Fluctuating Market 

The Iranian rial has once again experienced a sharp decline during the first week of the Persian New Year, 1402, which began on March...
The National Council of Resistance of Iran – Committee on Security and Counterterrorism

Iran: Warning Against Discontent in Refining Companies (Ghadir)

Adopting preventive measures as soon as possible to suppress and prevent protest gatherings in the call of November 2022 in Shiraz Refinery complex by the...

Iran: Khamenei Lays Bare His “Regime Change” Fears and Lies in Nowruz Speech

The Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, delivered his annual speech on March 21. Aside from his bogus claims of victory and blaming Iran’s...
Iran’s oil workers protest

Iran: Mullahs’ Regime Steps up Unprecedented Exploitation, Plunder of Workers

  Workers’ minimum wages cover 30% of the living basket, Purchasing power plummeted 25-45% relative to last year Based on government statistics, the livelihood basket...
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Iran’s Financial Crisis Ahead of Nowruz 

The Persian New Year, Nowruz, is days away. Unlike its meaning, the “New Day,” Iranians are forced to continue suffering from the country’s...
iran currency crisis

Iran’s Currency Crisis: A Recipe for Revolution?

The currency price in Iran witnessed an unprecedented surge on the first day of the week and the market opening, with hourly jumps setting...