Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Iran’s Pension Fund Crisis Is a Ticking Time Bomb 

On May 1, Sajad Padam, the head of Iran’s Social Security Organization, acknowledged another aspect of the country’s economic crunch and the regime’s role...

Raisi Blames Iran’s Economic Turmoil on the Dollar, Orders New Institution 

During his visit to the southwestern province of Khuzestan last week, the regime’s president, Ebrahim Raisi, made yet another bogus claim about Iran’s economic...
iran gas plant (1)

Thirteen Consecutive Days of Strikes in Iran’s Oil and Gas Sector

The 13th day of the strike of project workers in the oil, gas, petrochemical, steel, power plants, and copper mines industries in 113 workshops...
iran majlis parliament fight (1)

Iran: Khamenei’s ‘Consolidated System’ Fails as Minister of Industry, Mining and Trade Got Impeached 

On Sunday, the Iranian regime's Majlis hastily impeached Reza Fatemi Amin, the Minister of Industry, Mines, and Trade in Ebrahim Raisi's government. The decision...

Iran Workers’ Struggle: Historical Roots and Present-Day Challenges 

May 1 marks International Workers Day, a worldwide and general occasion for protests. While workers’ demonstrations in other countries aim at improving their situation,...

How the IRGC’s Medicine Mafia Profits from Iran’s Drug Shortage 

The shortage of medicine in Iran has reached a critical point. The state-run Taamol newspaper on Wednesday described this crisis as an “Alarming situation...
Iran's state-run media have been acknowledging that Iran's social and economic crises result from the mullahs' mismanagement

Iranian State Media Acknowledge Corruption’s Role in Economic Crunch 

Corruption and mismanagement have led to a severe economic crisis in Iran, with inflation skyrocketing and the currency losing much of its value. While...

Iran’s Inflation and Housing Crises, Other Aspects of Regime’s Utter Failure

The Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, named the Persian New Year of 1402 “the Year of Controlling Inflation and Growth of Production.”  One...

Is Iran’s Regime Playing with Fire by Increasing Fuel Prices?

There have been rumors about increasing fuel prices in Iran. While officials deny this, they tacitly confirm the reports through actions such as recollecting...

Khamenei’s Speeches: A Humiliating Debacle for Iran’s Regime? 

The Iranian regime’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, delivered two speeches this week, in which he made it clear the nationwide uprising and its persistence...