MP Shedding Light at Iran’s Automotive Industries “Mafia”


NCRI – An Iran parliament member of Industries and Mines Commission reported that Iran’s automotive industry’s “mafia” is “jeopardizing the citizens’ safety and welfare.”
Javad Hosseinikia of Industries and Mines Commission reported on a meeting held with members of the auto-manufacturing industry on Tuesday, April 18, 2017.

According to the MP, at a meeting on Monday, April 17th, 2017, “Some activists with automotive parts and some people associated with the automotive industry have unofficially accused some of the domestic automotive components producers of importing poor quality Chinese parts and then delivering those parts as domestic production to automakers.
ISNA News Agency quoted a member of the House of Industries and Mines Commission that such a move “would jeopardize the safety and welfare of the citizens.”

The ISNA report continues, “These statements are the clearest and sharpest position of the official (though not publicly) manufacturers to confirm the existence of a mafia in the automotive industry counterfeiting parts as domestic and indigenous, jeopardizing the welfare and safety of citizens to gain profit and enrich themselves.”

Automakers have neither confirmed nor denied this subject and the Iranian regime’s officials in the Ministry of Industry, Mine and Trade haven’t explicitly taken any official position in this regard.

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