Ministers Feuding Exposes Plundering of Workers Money by Iran Regime Officials


NCRI – Feuding among Rouhani’s ministers exposes Iran regime officials plundering workers’ money

During a dispute and feuding between Hassan Rouhani’s Cabinet Ministers, some facts about the Iranian regime officials plundering workers’ health insurance money were disclosed. On Sunday December 25, the state-run Javan news agency, affiliated to Khamenei’s faction, published some details of the feud and Rouhani’s Minister of Health attacking Ali Rabiei, Minister of Welfare. The report reveals some facts and details on how the regime officials are plundering workers (partly) by taking their money and refusing to pay for the workers’ health insurance and medical treatment.

Javan news agency first wrote: “Although the officials fighting each other ultimately has no benefit for the people, but in practice it reveals some behind-scenes issues and makes public the hidden realities of their (the officials) inefficiencies. The story of health development plan has created serious conflict between Ministry of Health and Ministry of Welfare as the financial resources to continue the project run out and hit the bottom of the pot…”

“In the third meeting of the seminar of medical sciences university professors, the minister of health strongly criticized the minister of welfare,” the news agency added.
Javan news agency then, quoting Rouhani’s minister of health, wrote, “We handed in the people’s health to a business enterprise 12 years ago and people’ health fell into the hands of the ministry of welfare. They named it welfare and I believe it is a pity for that name (to be used by that ministry).”

“…I announce from this podium, although some officials express support, compassion and advocacy for workers, the workers’ share of health fund (health insurance payment) has not been spent for their medical treatment and needs. Last year, they took workers money but refused to pay for their health insurance and medical treatment. That is why they now owe 11,000 billion Tomans ($3.4 billion dollars) because they spent the workers’ share elsewhere. Every month, the Social Security Organization takes about 4,000 billion Tomans ($1.24 billion dollars) insurance money from their subscribers (the insured workers), a third of which must be spent on workers’ health and medical treatment. However, it is not clear where the money goes.”

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