Meat prices in Iran soar by 60 per cent in recent days

NCRI – The price of meat in Iranian stores has soared by 60 per cent in recent days as the regime’s economy lurches into crisis.

The latest massive price rise comes after recent Iranian Central Bank figures showed the cost of food had risen by 400 per cent in seven years in the regime.

Experts have said one reason for the price rises is that the regime is not exchanging foreign currency for importers at the official rate, but forcing them to trade at the market exchange rate which is 3.5 times higher.

Senior cleric Ahmad Jannati – the Chairman of Guardian Council and a close ally of Supreme Leader – already admitted on March 12 that the high prices were ‘back-breaking’ but dismissed claims they were entirely due to sanctions.

Speaking at Friday Prayers in Tehran last week, the weekly gathering in which the views of Ali Khamenei on important issues of the regime are addressed – Jannati said: “One of the causes is the sanctions, but some people want to blame it all on the sanctions. However this is rejected by experts who also blame mismanagement and the wrong policies.”

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