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HomeIran News NowIran Economy NewsMaryam Rajavi: By removing subsidies, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have brought country’s economy...

Maryam Rajavi: By removing subsidies, Ahmadinejad and Khamenei have brought country’s economy into the war with people

RajaviNCRI – On Saturday evening, December 18, Ahmadinejad announced that the anti-popular law of abolishing the subsidies will take effect the following day. According to this scheme, whose outcome is but deepening poverty of the people, the price of gasoline will suddenly soar from 100 to 400 Tomans ($1= 1,000 Tomans) per liter. Concurrently, gasoline ration is also cut by 10% forcing consumers to buy gasoline at the free market price of 700 Tomans per liter. This leap in prices includes drinking water, flour and bread which are the most important and sensitive fundamental needs of the people.

To curtail public rage and revulsion, Ahamdinejad obscenely tried to depict as if this plan is to the benefit of the low-income echelon in the society. While, in fact, the loathsome regime of Velayat-e faqih (absolute rule of clergy) is after plundering people’s wealth and earning astronomical revenues by increasing prices several fold. According to figures by sources within the regime, this plan will earn 100 billion dollars a year for Ahmadinejad’s government.

Khamenei’s appointed president demagogically claimed that the small amount of money deposited in the bank accounts of family heads in return for the removal of subsidies as being the money given by Imam Mahdi (the 12th imam for Shiites). He added, “We should be careful not to spoil this money with other monies, since it loses its effect.” This demagoguery is part of measures taken on by the Iranian regime to hide the destructive impact of this scheme on Iranian masses. Based on technical evaluations, this plan will increase the inflation several fold and drive millions more below the poverty line. Last year, Iranian regime’s parliament predicted that with the elimination of subsidies, inflation would reach 60 percent.

President-elect of the Iranian Resistance Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, addressing Iranian people, described the decision by the regime to cut the subsidies as expanding the war of the regime of Velayat-e-faqih against the Iranian society. She added: This decision is directly related to the critical condition of the regime, especially after last year’s massive uprisings that are still troubling it.

She said: By cutting subsidies and increasing prices several times, Khamenei is using Iran’s economy for his war against the people. He is spending not only the oil revenue but also a large portion of the people’s income on a brutal fight against them and on export of terrorism and warmongering in the region.

One of the Khamenei’s goals, she stressed, is to allocate Iran’s wealth to IRGC, which is a wicked militarism with Ahmadinejad as its symbol. Khamenei also tries to reduce the consumption of fundamental commodities such as gasoline in a bid to confront the impacts of international sanctions, especially under conditions that international sanctions get more extensive and effective every day because of his regime’s incapability and incapacity for any flexibility and retreat in the nuclear bomb production program.

The President-elect of the Iranian Resistance added, there is only one solution to save the bankrupt economy of Iran and to put an end to such a great poverty and inequality, and that is to establish the people’s sovereignty.  Only by democracy and enjoyment of equal opportunities by every single person, Iranian people’s assets and creative power can contribute to the country’s reconstruction and prosperity extensively.

Mrs. Rajavi called on the people of Iran, particularly the youth, to unite and hand in hand turn the catastrophe that the mullahs ruling Iran have prepared for them into a major challenge against the regime itself. She urged the students and brave girls and boys that created last year uprisings to not allow the velayat-e faqih regime to hold on to power by destroying the wealth of the deprived majority of the Iranians gained by hard work, pain and suffering.

Secretariat of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
December 19, 2010