Kermanshah Oil Refinery Priced 1100 Billion Tomans Being Allotted With Price of 210 Billion Tomans


NCRI – The Iranian regime allotted the National Oil Refinery of Kermanshah to the private sector with installment.

On January 31st 2017, the state-run Vatan Newspaper reported that the member of the Committee on Energy of the Iranian Parliament Hedayatollah Khademi stated that Kermanshah Oil Refinery nearly priced 1100 billion Tomans (340$ million) is being allotted to an amount of 210 billion Tomans(64$ million) by only cash payment of 21 (6.5$ million) billion Tomans.

He said:”this refinery has an area of 90 hectares and it has been priced over 2 million Tomans (618$) per meter. It was priced 1100 billion Tomans (340$ million) in 2014 but today it is being allotted to a company that has one year of experience in an amount of 210 billion Tomans (64$ million).
Kermanshah Oil Refinery has a workforce of 800 people.

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