Is Iran No Longer “Open for Business”?


NCRI – The Iranian Regime has long used lobbyists in Western countries to defend the actions of the Iranian Regime, throw a cloak of democracy over the totalitarian dictatorship, and encourage the international community to appease the mullahs.

These lobbyists were recruited in order to spread lies about the Regime’s “moderating” behaviour and the effect that global sanctions were having on the ordinary citizens of Iran.

Of course, we know that there are no moderates in the Iranian Regime; there’s a process by which anyone with moderate beliefs is weeded out of participation in their government and most likely sent to jail.

We also know that the sanctions relief acquired in 2015 has not gone to help the ordinary people of Iran, but has been funnelled into the Regime’s military in order to launch attacks against other Middle Eastern States, invest in North Korea’s nuclear missile programme, and attempt to bomb troops fighting ISIS in the area.

When the sanctions were in place, the Iranian Regime was nearly at a position from which they could be overthrown; with massive protests in the streets following the 2009 “election” and rising levels of dissatisfaction from the Iranian people.

The lobbyists insist that it is fine to do business with Iran but businesses could be risking a lot more than their initial investment.

Laura Carnahan, wrote on IranLobby, that any company who does business with Iran runs the risk of becoming a supporter of terrorism and that they may lose any money they invest in the country if sanctions are reintroduced, which is happening at an alarming rate.

She wrote: “These deals may become moot should either the U.S. or UN act to impose new sanctions, especially any sanctions once again removing Iran from accessing the international wire transfer network or currency exchanges.”

She continued: “All of which places any foreign entity in a precarious position should it decide to invest in Iran. A company also runs the risk being labelled a supporter of terrorism since the vast majority of revenue Iran generates from one of these deals would inevitably be used to fund its proxy wars and support its terrorist allies.”

Dr. Majid Rafizadeh, president of the International American Council, wrote on Arab News: “U.S. pressure and sanctions on Tehran will likely continue to escalate, affecting American and non-American companies. The US may re-impose its sanctions bill that targets non-American companies doing business with Iran. If a company does business with both countries, its investments could be in peril. Quitting Iran’s market would not be easy for those with long-term investments.”

Carnahan advises that the international business community think twice before investing and that essentially Iran is closed to foreign investors, regardless of what the Iran Lobby says.

She wrote: “This may mean that for the short-term at least, the “open for business” sign for Iran may be just another example of fake news.”

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