Iran: Workers protests non-payment of wages, lay-offs

File photo: A protest by Kian Tire workers in Iran
NCRI – For the second time in a week, a group of workers at Pounel Company gathered on Saturday, September 7, to protest their lay-off and nonpayment of their wages.

Also a large group of retired workers and employees in the city of Kermanshah gathered outside the retirement bureau on Saturday, September 7. They protested to the nonpayment of their salary and family insurance.

On Thursday, September 5, a group of municipality workers in the sixth district of Shiraz gathered outside the municipality building demanding higher wages. Their representative met the mayor to convey their demands but had no results.

Workers at Kian Tire factory once again protested on Saturday, September 7, in the factory yard and emphasized on their demands including the determination of the acting secretary, nonpayment of their salaries and a response.

These workers had previously staged protest on Wednesday, September 4, outside the new Iranian regime’s president’s office but they were totally ignored.
A protester said that they have so far protested many times and will continue until they achieve their rights.

A number of residents of the city Tonekabon protested outside the city’s Development Office on Saturday, September 7, for the lack of electricity meters in this city. The electricity department of this city is avoiding electricity meter to some residential complexes, causing serious problems for the residents.

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