Iran: Workers in Saveh (central Iran) stage four-day long protest

Crisis persists in long overdue salaries of workers

NCRI – Hundreds of workers of  “Safa Looleh”  in Saveh (central Iran) staged a protest over the lack of payment of their salaries on January 1. The factory manufactures steel pipes.

According to the state-run news agency ILNA, the payment of the workers’ salaries stopped six months ago.

This was the fourth day of the protest.  According to one of the workers, “more than 500 workers at the factory have been protesting since Saturday, December 29, 2012.  They are protesting on behalf of the entire 1300 workers at the factory. The workers have not received their salaries for the past six months.”

The worker added that the constant increase in prices of consumer goods, rent, as well as irregularities in payments to the workers’ banks have all exerted an extra burden on the workers.

The crisis of the overdue payment of salaries has intensified in the past few months. In some manufacturing units, some workers have now not received their salaries for more than 20 months.

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